Pre-Order Announcement: Worshiping Loki – A Short Introduction

Today is a most auspicious day for the release of a new book. Worshiping Loki: A Short Introduction contains guidelines for building a fulfilling practice of Loki worship in a polytheistic context.

lokibook1Presenting material derived from experience and practice, this book sets aside arguments of historicity to provide today’s curious practitioner with practical, applicable information that can be put to work right away. Extending hospitality, building an alter, making offerings, saying prayers, and deepening practice are all covered. Discernment exercises are also provided to help enrich one’s contact with the divine. This slim 18 page volume is comparable to the devotional volumes I offer through Etsy, and extra special book making materials have been chosen to further distinguish this edition.lokibook2This very special volume is being released in limited numbers. 20 signed and numbered volumes are being issued for sale at $45 each. This batch of books will also be empowered and dedicated in a special ritual. Ebook and paperback editions of Worshiping Loki will be released in late summer though this particular presentation will not be duplicated. Velvety black paper with rich gold printing wraps the front and back covers. The spine is covered with a berry red moire texture Japanese book cloth. Signatures are fully stitched by hand with linen book binding thread. 

Significantly, Worshiping Loki includes a close look at this Power’s feminine aspect. The feminine Loki encompasses roles like healer, ally, and chthonic queen. A rite of contact is provided to help practitioners gain personal insight into this elusive side of a beloved divinity.


The pre-order periods begins today, June 26, and continues through July 31. After that, the price on any remaining volumes will rise. Shipping in the US is $3.50; international shipping is available and can be calculated upon request; insurance is available for an additional $1. A delivery date of mid-August is anticipated.

To order, please email and provide your shipping information along with the quantity you wish to purchase. A Paypal invoice will be generated; these invoices can be paid with Paypal balance, credit card, or debit card; please include your Paypal email address if you wish to pay that way. If you have questions, just ask.

Thank you for welcoming this book into the world.

18 thoughts on “Pre-Order Announcement: Worshiping Loki – A Short Introduction

    • Silence says:

      At this point, I think the ebooks will be $2.99 but I’m not sure yet. I don’t anticipate it’ll be more than that. The paperback volumes will be booklet size. I expect these to be under $10, probably $6 – $8. I’m working with a print designer on these so hopefully we can brainstorm a way to keep the cost low. Once the ebooks and booklets are ready, I expect to do a couple promotional giveaways. They’ll also be open editions (no limit on the number produced) so hopefully we can get one into your hands one way or another. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    • Silence says:

      She’s so, so special to me. I’ve gotten to know Her over the past few years and the last 18 months in particular. The material included on Her came from this preliminary stage though a lot has happened since then. There’ll be a followup piece on Her at some point, I’m sure. (That’s Her altar in the pictures.)


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